

Details of Conditions

Limited working season:

Since the area remains snowbound and landlocked for almost 6 months i.e. from December to May, the working season for developmental activities is limited to 6 months only, resulting in delay in completion of works and higher costs of construction.

High Maintenance Cost of Roads and Irrigation Channels:

The soil of this valley is loose and sandy and as such roads and irrigation channels get damaged even with slightest rain , melting of snow land slides, falling of boulders and avalanches. Thus the repairs of Kuhls and roads consume hefty sums of money and sometimes it costs more than that for new construction.

Marketing of Hops:

There was no proper infrastructure for the marketing of Hops, which can become main cash crop in addition to potatoes & peas and can reap rich benefits to the farmers of the valley, but last year with the commissioning of Hops Palletting Plant at Baddi, the scenario has improved.

Disease in Willow Plantation:

The willow trees in the valley are drying due to mysterious disease and improper irrigation facilities due to scanty snowfall in winters. The matter regarding the outbreak of this disease has been taken up with the University of Horticulture & Forestry, Solan, H.P and is providing necessary help to the people.

Non-availability of skilled and semi-skilled labour:

Since the involvement of local labour is quite negligible and almost all skilled and semi-skilled labours are imported from outside the Valley, the labour rate as applied to tribal areas is 25% above the normal rate prevailing in other areas. Material cost and transportation charges are higher than those in other areas of the Pradesh due to un-certain climatic conditions and difficult topography.

Expensive Transportation:

In most cases, the schemes which are to be executed are situated at inhospitable altitudes and all the materials required for the execution are to be carried through manual labour. This also causes higher labour charges and consumes more time.

Erratic Mail System:

Erratic mail system in the Valley is the main impediment in proper implementation of developmental activities. It has been noticed that even an ordinary mail takes a month’s time to reach its destination. Sometimes the dak regarding allocation of budget is received when the financial year is already over. Therefore, the regular dak system is to be ensured.