
Search Results For : Виктория Джем Дизайн Человека Топ 1 Специалист Дизайн Человека

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Tourist Packages

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into […]

Animal Husbandry

Details Information Details Hospitals 14(Lahaul=9,Kaza=5) Dispensaries 43(Lahaul=25,Kaza=18) AI Centres 40(Lahaul=30,Kaza=10) Sheep & Wool Ext. Centres 1 Dispesary(MMAPDY) 1 Mobile Units 1

Health Set Up

Details Information Details District Hospitals 1 Community Health Centers 3 (Udaipur, Shansha, Kaza) Primary Health Centers 15 (Sissu, Gondhla, Gemur, Tholang, Jhalma, Thirot, Tingret, Tabo, Sagnam,Darcha,Phura,Tindi, Lossar,Hansa,Kibber ) Civil Dispensaries 5 (Darcha, Phura, Kibber, Lossar, Hansa) Sub Centers 36 (26 in Lahaul, 10 in Spiti) TBA 36 Ayurvedic Hospitals 1 Ayurvedic Dispensaries 21

People and Culture

Information Details Major Religions Hindu & Bodh Languages Spoken Hindi, Manchad Dialects, Bhoti, Sanskrit Culture Tibetan & Bhoti Culture Traditions God Prayers Art Forms Tibetan


Details of Conditions Limited working season: Since the area remains snowbound and landlocked for almost 6 months i.e. from December to May, the working season for developmental activities is limited to 6 months only, resulting in delay in completion of works and higher costs of construction. High Maintenance Cost of Roads and Irrigation Channels: The […]

Origin of Name

Lahaul & Spiti, which now form, a district of Himachal Pradesh, bordering Tibet, were at one time separate Himalayan waziries or cantons of the Kullu sub-divisions, and Kullu itself formed a part of Kangra district of Punjab. As is clear from the name Lahaul & Spiti, the district comprises two different mountains tracts, one known as […]


The two units of the district i.e. Lahaul & Spiti, have separate historical backgrounds. In the distant past Lahaul had been changing hands between the rulers of Ladakh and Kulu. In the second half of the seventeenth century with the disintegration of Ladakh kingdom, Lahaul passed into the hands of the Kulu chief. In 1840, […]